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Leadership is hard enough, without adding low or no expectations about how to foster less discriminatory, more inclusive and more equitable organisations. Work on this agenda is often a matter of experience, yet experience alone doesn't lead to sustainable change. In fact, our journey towards equality reveals that very little has changed – some of us haven't even started and those of us on the journey still struggle to make an impact.

We are offering coaching sessions which will leave you much clearer about your leadership of the inclusion agenda. These have been devised through our understanding (21 years’ worth) of what people struggle with and what they don't  understand. It will guide the part of yourself that isn't quite sure about whether you have adopted the right approach to this agenda, or that is absolutely sure but not seeing the results you expected.


Five hour-long coaching sessions that will give you the opportunity to feed in your practice and 'test' your approach to inclusion. The sessions will explore your understanding of relevant issues and challenge you to be more ambitious for  yourself, your organisation, and the people you serve. Each session has a different focus:


History is about recognising that the legacy of the past is much present in current experiences. It’s more than just knowing about Britain's past, it’s about understanding its systemic legacy in our day-to-day thinking and practice.  It's about the privilege of sustaining cultural superiority and its impact.


An initial session to explore your application and to reflect on whether this is the right approach for you, followed by a plan of five coaching sessions. You will need to bring yourself to the conversation and select 'real' challenges/questions that you wish to examine.


In practical terms, we will seek to establish a series of phone or Skype conversations in advance. These can take place early mornings or evenings. There will be homework! You will be required to watch videos and complete short readings that will help plug any gaps in essential knowledge and stimulate your thinking. We would imagine covering all five sessions over six months. All of this work is confidential – even after the coaching course is finished.Leadership is hard enough, without adding low or no expectations about how to foster less discriminatory, more inclusive and more equitable organisations. Work on this agenda is often a matter of experience, yet experience alone doesn't lead to sustainable change. In fact, our journey towards equality reveals that very little has changed – some of us haven't even started and those of us on the journey still  struggle to make an impact.


For more information contact us here.

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